Sunday, May 31, 2009

Online Beatboxing Champ Lady

Online Beatboxing Champion @ Yahoo! Video

Gosh...she's unbelievably amazing. I have seen a handful of guys who have motor mouths, but I've never seen a girl beatbox this way. Woohoo!

To read the rest of the video info, click here.

Video aggregated from Yahoo videos and is copyright by Yahoo and also by the video's respective owner. Please contact them for permission to use the material.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Erasing Jon Arbuckle

This is sweet--I posted a blog entry about the popular web comics created by artist Dan Walsh titled "Garfield Minus Garfield", where Dan erases Garfield out of the comic strips to reveal the real mental nature of the cat's master, Jon Arbuckle. Well, thanks to this anonymous person who came across my page, he gave me a link to another Garfield-inspired webcomic series where this time, Jon Arbuckle is erased out of the comic strips. As the blog author puts it:

"In 1989, Jim Davis drew the following series of six Garfield comics in which the fat, orange cat must grapple with his greatest fear: being alone. With the popularity of Garfield Minus Garfield and the fantastic nature of Photoshop, it now seems possible for Garfield to live his fears. So with that in mind, be prepared to view a world were Garfield must tackle his greatest fears, where there is no Jon Arbuckle, Odie, or Nermel. Where Garfield's only friends are the mice and spiders which still inhabit his house. Welcome to Garfield Minus Arbuckle."

So it doesn't always have to be Garfield! :)

To view the rest of the archive of Garfield Minus Arbuckle, click here.

Enjoy the series!

Image aggregated from Garfield Minus Arbuckle and is property of Jim Davis and/or the owner of the blog. Please contact them for use of the image.

When Obama Goes Green

Hahahaha, sorry! I really couldn't help but share this photo of Barack Obama with you guys!

Isn't it witty? :D

Image aggregated from Green Piece Blog, a cool website that is "a reminder of the piece we often forget when traveling, eating, voting, and building; the green piece." Check out their stuff by clicking here.

Image copyright by the authors of Green Piece Blog, please contact them for use of the image.

What Has Happened To Magenta?

It's been almost three years since T-Mobile took "ownership" of the colour Magenta--one of the CMYK colours that help printers, graphic artists and web developers alike in their field of work. It's actually more of getting that specific shade of Magenta. But it has sparked a lot of blog posts, links, comments, that it paved a way for online revolt!

I wonder what has happened? Any other colour pitched so far?

Anyways, the Freemagenta website is still up and about and still getting laughs. :)

To check the rest of their stuff, click here.

Image aggregated from and is copyright by their author(s). Please contact them for permission to use the image.

Erasing Garfield

What do you get when the witty orange feline friend of Jon Arbuckle disappears from their side of the world?

You got hilarity of course!

Artist Dan Walsh created the amusing website Garfield Minus Garfield where he deliberately erases garfield off the comic strips, giving it a whole new spin. As Dan puts it:

"Garfield Minus Garfield is a site dedicated to removing Garfield from the Garfield comic strips in order to reveal the existential angst of a certain young Mr. Jon Arbuckle. It is a journey deep into the mind of an isolated young everyman as he fights a losing battle against loneliness and depression in a quiet American suburb. "

To view the rest of the comic strips archive, click here.

Image aggregated from and is copyright by Jim Davis and/or Dan Walsh. Please contact them for use of image.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's Geeky and it's Cute!

If you have old computer units that are no longer working, then you can probably make yourself your own computer chip trivet! It makes a nice conversation piece, seriously. :)
Isn't it the nicest thing to ever grace your computer table?

To learn how to make one, click here.

Image aggregated from and is copyright by the author. Please contact them for permission to use the said image.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Greek Photographer Arrested in London

Say what???

Photographers are in abundance right now because DSLRs have suddenly become cheap like mobile phones. Photographers are also running into different troubles because of this hobby, as evident in this news I came across with over the web:

The Greek photographer Pericles Antoniou from Athens Greece, was arrested in London England during the Greek Orthodox Easter for taking photographs of a girl in the London Metro.
Mr. Antoniou, who has a 25-year experience in artistic photography, was sent to jail, shoeless and was not allowed to communicate with any of his family; he is expected on a hearing soon this month.
Mr. Antoniou is also a member of Greek Caravan of Solidarity, which was featured in

As he claims in his letter to the Greek Ambassador in England, he was visiting London England due to the Greek Easter seasons, and as a “tourist” he took his camera and rushed to the streets of the British capital city seeking themes to shoot. While on the subway, the mother of a child complained about the fact that he was taking photos of her underage daughter. Mr. Antoniou apologised to the mother and erased all photos which depicted her daughter. However, the father of the youngster was not satisfied with this, and on the next train station asked for the help of police officers, who arrested the Greek visitor.

Careful, careful!

To read the rest of the article, click here.

And guess what--the charges against him were dismissed! To read the rest of the article, click here.

Parts of the news aggregated from

A Clock Within Clocks

A clock within clocks! How cool and crazy is that? :)
I wonder how accurate this "timepiece" is...
Video aggregated from Humans Since 1982 at
Video copyright by Humans Since 1982--please contact them for the use of the video.

A Thousand Cranes, 2.0

By now, you all probably know the story behind the 1000 cranes:

"An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by a crane, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury. The crane in Japan is one of the mystical or holy beasts (others include the dragon and tortoise), and is said to live for a thousand years. In Asia, it is commonly said that folding 1000 paper origami cranes makes a person's wish come true. This makes them popular gifts for special friends and family.

The Thousand Origami Cranes has become a symbol of world peace through the story of Sadako Sasaki, a Japanese girl who contracted leukemia as a result of radiation from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima during World War II. Her story is told in the book Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. Several temples, including some in Tokyo and Hiroshima, have eternal flames for World Peace. At these temples, school groups or individuals often donate Senbazuru to add to the prayer for peace. The cranes are left exposed to the elements, slowly dissolving and becoming tattered as the wish is released."

So there. A thousand paper cranes, a thousand wishes. It's a nice touch to a very rich culture. But here is a guy who has made a pact with the online world that he's going to create 3 paper cranes everyday, so that by December 31, 2009, Bobby Casumbal would have made a thousand of these little pieces. He puts it in different locations, which makes the project really interesting. The reasons for this endeavor may be hinted on his "links" section:

- Antidote to anger
- Campaign for peace
- Campaign for cancer

His FAQs are more comprehensive and is worth a peek.

Would he be able to make it? Your guess is as good as mine, but I am gonna cheer for this guy. It's a big feat, and he earns my accolade for doing something like this to remind everyone to appreciate each and every day. Good luck, Bobby! :)
To read the rest of his 1000 Cranes project, click here.

*Bobby also happens to be a fine artist--check out his works here.

1000 Cranes info taken from Wikipedia
Image aggregated from 1000cranes2009 Blog and is copyright by Bobby Casumbal. Please contact the blog author for use of the image.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Life's Path Integral Formulation

The lines with which we write our destiny.

Ha! :)

To read the rest of the post (and more great stuff), click here.

Image aggregated from and is copyright by its author, Sunny. Please contact him for use of the image.

Hacking An 8-Ball

Ever wondered what's inside an 8-ball toy? When I was younger I've always been curious about how the 8-ball worked--the usually random yet relevant answers given by this toy has always sparked my interest, and was even heightened when it was featured in the CGI movie "Toy Story".

So what is inside this toy?

I came across a page in the web where a group of (curious) people practically drilled open an 8-ball and showed its contents for the world to see. And yes, that included the dark blue liquid.

According to the people who "hacked" the toy:

"Everyone who's played with an 8-Ball knows that they seem to be filled with a murky, viscous (and presumably harmless) blue fluid. At this stage in the disassembly, the authors believed it might be neccessary to drain the blue fluid before cutting the shell. To that end, drain holes were drilled in the outer shell, and an attempt was made to release the blue fluid. This attempt was unsuccesful; it seems that the blue fluid is contained within some inner reservoir, or, perhaps, a circulatory system."

To read and view the rest of the post, click here.
Image and part of the text have been aggregated from and are copyright by the authors of the post. Please contact them for the use of the image.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Curious Case of Harbour In A Bubble

Saw this in Flickr. The picture, entitled "Harbour In A Bubble", was taken by a certain (username) Johnnieb.

Doesn't it make you curious--as in, just curious--to know the whats, hows, and whys of this picture? I know I do.

To view the rest of this talented guy's photosets, click here.

Image aggregated from Johnnieb's Flickr page and is copyright by the photographer. Kindly contact him for use of the image.

Henry Lim Photography

I have come across this photography aphorism on the world wide web just one too many times:

"It's the Indian, not the arrow."

In a nutshell, it means one can get amazing shots regardless of the camera gear used because the key to getting good photographs is within the photographer's ability to capture a moment, or tell a story within a frame. Etc, etc. And with that said, I think Henry Lim was able to bring out the essence of that little phrase with his impressive gallery of photographs taken with a Sony Digital Camera. This was between 2002 to 2005 when camera megapixels were merely borderline 4. Here are some samples of his fabulous shots:

Give this man a DSLR!

To view the rest of his gallery, click here.

Images aggregated from and is copyright by Henry Lim. Please contact the site author for use of his photos.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Subscription Cards Bracelet

Admit it: most probably, half of the subscription cards inserted inside the magazines you buy end up in your trash bin. The paper, the waste, the loss!

So Timeout New York shares instructions by Alex Lockwood (arguably the best paper folder there is as per article description) on how to recycle those cards instead of just throwing them away--by turning them into colourful bracelets (though the durability of this is yet to be contested). I personally think this isn't limited to just bracelets--think pen holders, paper vases, paper weights. Think green!

To read the rest of the DIY instructions, click here.

Image aggregated from Timeout New York through WorstedWitch and is copyright by Timeout New York. Please contact them for use of the image.

Go green, people!

The Art of Powerpoint Presentations

I know most of you have had this experience of pulling together a 30-slider Powerpoint deck from all sorts of resources, inserting images, putting in animation transitions, the stuff--and had to present it to a group of 10 people who could care less about your resources, images, and animations because from among the 30 slides, only 4 slides would most likely matter to them.

I think this is the art of Powerpoint presentations.

Blog author Joey De Villa of has pooled together a (creative) summary of how one could present a deck without having to bore the audience to death and actually make them listen to what you have to say. Excerpts from his entry state that:

"Your slides are not cue cards. The purpose of standing in front of an audience is not to read aloud a document written in point form. You’re there not only to communicate an idea, but to engage the people in the room as well; the slides are there as support. That’s why slide presentation software has “presenter mode”, where the slides are displayed on the projector and your notes are displayed on your laptop."

To read the rest of the post, click here.

How about you? What are your Powerpoint eye candies?

Image and text excerpts are copyright of Joey De Villa and have been aggregated from Please contact author for the use of image.

Geeky But Funny!

How has Web 2.0/apps/social networking/etc changed you?

Author, cartoonist, and IT specialist Oliver Widder (wow, talk about credentials!) gives us a hilarious view of the whole digital spectrum through his cartoons at Very very nice stuff--both funny and original so be sure to check it out!

To read the rest of Oliver Widder's illustrations, click here.

Image aggregated from and is copyright by Oliver Widder. Please contact him for the use of the image.

The Plastics Counter

Plastic bags consumed this year:

I am not so sure about the algorithm they used to calculate the consumption, but if we are to follow the counter, then we'd be buried alive in plastic waste in a few years! Not something to look forward to, ayt.

Go green and be good to Mother Nature! To read more about eco-waste management, recycling, going green, the works, click here. Please note that the site sells products. But they do have the FAQs there.

This counter has been aggregated from

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Cat Is A Cat...

I have no idea about the origin of the title, but I do know that this is one witty blog you wouldn't want to miss reading (most especially because it is regularly updated!)

Enjoy an almost daily dose of cartoon strips by author Osmand Nosse (I hope this is his real name), who says he "likes owls, words like ‘yachts’, skiffle music, taking pictures of clouds, marmalade and when dogs yawn and sound like they are saying something. I once heard a small terrier yawn the name ‘Philip’, seriously... he said 'Philip'. I live on the side of a hill in a tiny village down a river in a valley. My house use to be a Tea rooms and if you drop by I will make you a cup of tea, but it’s up to you to bring the biscuits. I suggest Mcvities Rich Tea, as these go lovely with a cup of tea."

To read the rest of A Cat Is A Cat's archived entries, click here.

Image and text aggregated from A Cat Is A Cat and is copyright by the author. Please contact blog owner for the use of images.

The Real Sixth Sense

Wow. First it was the holographic interview at CNN. Then comes this ultimate "virtual hub" to juggle all of a person's gadgets and data.

It's amazing what technology can offer to us now. I just came across this article about an MIT graduate student who gets known the world over because of this revolutionary ‘Sixth Sense’ device he created. As the article goes:

"Dr. Pattie Maes, Director of the Fluid Interfaces Group at the MIT Media Lab and Pranav Mistry, a graduate student within the same group, have developed 'Sixth Sense', a wearable device that presents the user with a revolutionary way to interact with the world. Sixth Sense enables the wearer to summon data or virtual gadgets, such as a watch or mobile phone, interact with these virtual objects and dispose of them at will. The device, which premiered at the TED conference last month (to a standing ovation), will be demonstrated at ACM's Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) conference on Tuesday, April 7th at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts, USA."

To read the rest of the article, click here.

Image copyright by and its respective contributor(s). Please contact them for use of the photo.
Text and image aggregated from

Miniature Observer

Bathtub IV from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.

This tilt-shift time-lapse video is as cute as miniature cupcakes. Really. I just wanna gobble them all up! :-P This is as close as you can get to living inside a miniature town with blue acrylic skies painted on a white backdrop.

Still from

Swine Flu Sombrero

All the Swine Flu buzz is churning up some nice images inside the world wide web!
Found this at The author, a certain "Jeff", has been blogging there since 2002. That's 7 years worth of interesting posts, dear readers :) I, myself, continue to have fun reading the entries. To view the rest of the site, click here.

Image copyright by Jeff, please contact them for use of the image.
Aggregated from

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Kitchen Reinvented

I know some of you would want to own this ultimate minimalist kitchen! Perfect for the OC in you. :-)

Design and Image copyright by Studio Astrid. Please contact them for the use of image.
Aggregated from thru The World's Best Ever website.

Staying Fashionably Swine Flu-Free

Isn't this the perfect way to stay fashionable while battling Swine Flu?

To see more interesting (and funny) Swine Flu fashion, click here.

Image copyright by and its respective contributors. Please contact them for use of image.

Aggregated from

Free Comics!

Spotted from Yet Another Comics Blog:

"Free Digital Comics from the US Government. The library at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has put up a Government Comics Collection. These are scanned copies (TIFF files in a PDF wrapper) of comics produced by the United States Federal Government. Some of the creators represented include Milton Caniff, Will Eisner, Scott Adams, Peter David, Al Capp, Walt Kelly, Charlz Schulz, Eduardo Barreto, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, Joe Orlando, Marv Wolfman, George Perez, and Dr. Seuss. There are 167 comics in all!"

Check out the free comics by clicking here

Text aggregated from Yet Another Comics Blog.

Vintage Pictures of Seattle

Found some lovely vintage photos of Seattle at Vintage Seattle, and was quite mesmerized with the site--it was kind of surprising how endearing it would be to look at past pictures of this progressive place. As site author Jeff Cliffe tells Vintage Seattle readers:

"Vintage Seattle is a high-resolution blog visualizing Seattle’s past. The goal of the site is to document the city’s history by way of old photographs, vintage postcards, advertisements, historic building profiles, etc. I hope the documentation on this blog will help us find our way forward by looking back."

To read more of Vintage Seattle, click here.
Image copyright by Vintage Seattle and its respective contributors. Please contact Jeff Cliffe for use of the images.

Aggregated from

Drew's Comics

Fantastic comic bits and pieces drawn by Drew of Toothpaste For Dinner.

To read the rest of hilarious archived comics, click here.

Image copyright by Drew.
Aggregated from

Let It Shine Viral Ad by Honda

The best viral ad I've seen so far! Here's the video clip, but best if you'd watch it HERE--to get the complete experience, as Vimeo also plays a part on the viral ad.

Honda Insight - Let It Shine from Honda on Vimeo.

The desert hosts an unexpected light show in the latest Insight Hybrid television commercial.
Created by Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam for Honda Motor Europe.

Also, watch how the video was made, HERE.

Aggregated from

The Art Of Lynn Gaines

Here's a sample image drawn by artist Lynn Gaines for a card company. Super adorable stuff, and I must admit I'm hooked. I believe she has brought me back to my childhood days.

To check out the rest of her portfolio, click here.

Image copyright by Lynn Gaines--contact her for use of the image.
Aggregated from Lynn's blog at

Tunnel Motivational Posters

These are motivating, all right!

To view more "motivational" posters, click here.

Image copyright by, Aggregated from

Yatch and Umberlla

Wrong spelling wrong!

MORRISONS supermarket has withdrawn misspelt educational toys from its shelves. The chain took the Chinese-made alphabet building blocks off the shelves of its 375 stores following a customer complaint. Y for yacht was incorrectly captioned "yatch" and U for umbrella had the description "umberlla".

To read the original article, click here.

News aggregated from

A Look At The Killer That Is Swine Flu

This is probably a day or two late, but it never hurts to inform.

The image below is the first ever snapped portrait of H1N1, the new swine flu virus that has swept the globe in recent weeks.

To read more about the development of the virus, click here.

Image copyright by National Geographic.
Image and parts of text aggregated from National Geographic News.

First Camera Phone Photograph

This is the first image taken and transmitted with a camera phone and was done by Philippe Kahn, inventor of the first camera phone solution.

To read his full interview and his description of how photography linked to wireless technology changes the way we share images and ideas, click here.

Image copyright by Philippe Kahn
Aggregated from

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Sinfest" by Tatsuya Ishida

Funny comic strips by artist Tatsuya Ishida about the amusing and witty b-sides of evil.

To read the rest of the archived comic strips, click here.
Image copyright by Tatsuya Ishida at
Aggregated from

Monday, May 4, 2009

Real Men Use Goatee Saver

Real men will wear goatee.

Not just average goatee, but perfect goatee that will suit any occassion (football brawl, black tie, dinner date, microwave food dinner). And there's no better way of creating that perfect goatee than by using Goatee Saver.

As the site promotes:

"There's nothing out there like the GoateeSaver. Being the first to bring men a quality shaving tool they can depend on to help them achieve goatee grooming perfection is something we are very proud of."

To know more about this very interesting product, click here.

Images and text aggregated from, link found at

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Chasing The Storm

The title couldn't have said it any better:


As stated, blogger Jason Boggs updates the blog with storm images and forecasts. Talk about specific content! If you love storms, rains, thunderstorms, the works--Jason's blog is for you!

Info and image aggregated from Storm Chase News; image copyright by Jason Boggs.

The Fish Eyes of Dietrich

There's just something in fish eye lens distortion that fascinates me...there's so much, in fact, that when I started in photography, it's one of the first few lenses I bought.

And then I came across username Dietrich's Flickr pool and was even more fascinated. The way he used the fish eye lens to his advantage was amazing. Check out the gallery of this very talented guy, just click here.

image copyright by Dietrich

Don't forget to also check out his Year In Photos 08 set...That's even more riveting.

Info aggregated from

Island Wipe-out

Yahoo Travel featured a very interesting (and highly alarming) article today about the big, BIG possibility of some islands disappearing on the face of the Earth due to global warming.

Excerpts from the article:

Maldive IslandsCountry: Republic of Maldives

At stake: $490 million

On the Ground: This chain of islands in the Indian Ocean is about three feet above sea level, and scientists fear it could be submerged by 2050. A $63 million buffer built in the 1990s hasn’t solved the problem, so the government is in talks to relocate all 386,000 of its residents to either Sri Lanka, Australia, or India. That would end the Maldives’ tourism industry—more than 600,000 people visit annually—which accounts for 30 percent of the country’s gross domestic product.

To read the full article, click here.

Please take some time to read the article, it's very relevant. We do want to save our islands, don't we?

Article excerpt aggregated from

Japan In Danny's Eyes

Danny Choo has been around the web since forever, but I still could not resist featuring him here. He's got a very comprehensive, up-to-date account of life lived in Japan in an expat's point of view. As he tells visitors of his site:
"Over 2 million unique users per month visit this site for the exclusive figure coverage direct from the manufacturers, photos and guides on living in Japan, Japanese subculture and the occasional stormtrooper dancing around in Tokyo. If you are interested in these topics and are also interested in joining a community of folks who also like the same stuff then this is the place for you - but don't take my word for it read the readers definition of this site ;-)" (sic)
So there. If you want to find out more about the land of the rising sun, his site is for you. Click here to read more of his website.
Danny Choo also writes for Boing Boing.
Info aggregated from

Save Your Thumb While Doing Carpentry

It's not everyday that I come across something (as in, some thing) that's both practical and smart, and has plus bonus for falling under the "tech gadgets" category.

Behold the Thumb Saver:

Description says:

"This gadget is so simple but makes so much sense and it seems to solve an age old problem that everyone has just become accustomed to. The Thumb Saver is a great invention which through a magnet holds any type of nail in place so you can hammer it in without any bruised, bloodied or broken fingers."

Makes sense, doesn't it?

Know more about the product by clicking here.

Aggregated from

Glossy Apps for your iPhone from Taptaptap

I must admit, the only probable reason I'm doing this entry is because I really like that nice ring the site name makes. Really cute. Taptaptap, taptaptap, taptaptap...

Anyway, you can get some really nice glossy iPhone apps from the site. They do come with a price, though. Check them out, Tipulator looks nice.
Aggregated from

Create Your Own Motivational Poster

Get creative/funny with your own (de)motivational posters, just upload your choice image on the blank white space and type in your own message, just like this one:

...and this one:

To create your own motivational poster, click here.

Aggregated from and

Sweet Sweet Techy Stuff at

A lot of designs have been incorporated in to USB flash drives, but being the strawberry lover that I am, this tops them all:

For more product details,click here.
Aggregated from

A Little Fun With Mars Photos plays with some Mars photos taken by NASA.

To view the rest of the Mars gallery, click here.