Sunday, August 16, 2009

Touchable Holography

I must admit--the Japanese seem to always think two steps ahead of everyone else. While most people are still innovating on current hologram technology, the Japs are putting it to the next level--by letting users feel the 3D images! And they're using Wii sensors and air to help them achieve it.

Don't believe me? Watch the video below:

Now I'm really wondering what's next from here...


Online magazine SLATE has compiled a list of megachurches (and when I say megachurches, I do mean houses of God that could house tens of thousands of people at a time) and put it in a nifty slideshow complete with information about the infrastructures.

The image below is one of the 10 photos included in the slideshow:

Slate says:

The 16,000-seat sanctuary of Lakewood Church in Houston (at right), the nation's largest nondenominational congregation, has padded theater seats instead of wooden pews, a stage instead of an altar, and video projection screens instead of stained-glass windows. Hardly a classic place of worship, although the expansive expression of religious community in this vast space is as impressive, in its way, as any soaring medieval nave.

16,000! It's like a concert crowd! I could hear the roaring of the crowd from where I'm typing.
To view the slideshow, click here.

Image aggregated from

The MILK Table

A table that was designed to work with the worker. Cool!

I swear, I am in love with this table! This sleek piece of office/home furniture has been ergonomically designed to be comfortable AND relaxing to the user. Plus, you can actually incorporate a fish tank on this furniture.

To find out what makes this table extra-special, click here.

Image courtesy of the MILK website.

Megan Fox for Peer Pressure (PSA)

I am having mixed reactions over this Public Service Announcement (PSA) video. But hey, it's Megan Fox and she's currently one of the It girls of Hollywood!

Language used may be NSFW.

Life After Advertising In The Age of Recession

I will watch this, I swear. This is an eye-opener. It is estimated that in the advertising industry, over 70,000 people have been laid off due to economic problems. The recession has hit and crippled all industries, and some of the people who are used to working lucrative jobs are now forced to make ends meet doing odd jobs left and right.

Watch the trailer--and see how the people who were then paid to be creative are now applying their creativity in their own lives.

Visit the documentary's official site at

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hidden Song

Are you a struggling musician waiting for a big break? Waiting for that once-in-a-lifetime shot at stardom may cause excessive career trauma, so while you're waiting, I suggest you share your brand of music over at Hiddensong!

Hiddensong is a social networking site that (tries to) connect you with the people of the entertainment industry (I don't want to get hopes up too high, that's why I enclosed the phrase "tries to"). Who knows--your lucky break may just be waiting for you on this site!

Click here to visit Hiddensong. And while you're at it, you may also want to visit featured artist Alex Dutton's page--he's got some impressive tunes for everyone to hear.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

You texted me that last night!

What would you do if you unknowingly sent a message with rather questionable motives/content at the height of your drinking spree, something like this:

If this happened to me, I may just be sending my human-generated error to the Texts From Last Night (TFLN) website!

According to the website:

TFLN was founded in February 2009 by two friends for reasons that may or may not include: the tendency to press send more easily as the night turns to morning, friends social habits, Kwame Kilpatrick, exes, law school, closing down bars and leaving tabs open, general debauchery and/or a common disgust for all the negativity surrounding the "sexting" phenomenon.

Our goal is to create a site that was revealing in nature while concealing the identity of everyone involved. This is why we only ask for an area code to accompany your text messages.

If you think the featured message above is already funny, wait till you see the other submitted entries! Click here to read the rest!

Remember: Never drink and text at the same time.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Gender Differences Explained

This is probably the best way to explain just how different women are from men :D

Heineken makes them scream! :D

Video material owned by Heineken and its creative agency.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Lessons From The Top 10 Brands Explained In A Sentence

I know, the title was a mouthful. But how else am I going to explain, in a nutshell, the Good Brands Report made by PSFK and The Purple List? Haha :D The sentences are quite amusing, really.

Here are three of the brands (my personal picks, actually) that made the list:

Experiment rapidly, embrace failure.

Create the playground and let your customers define your offering.

Reach scale with free product, make money from premium services.

Parts of the top ten list aggregated from PFSK.

Sliimy's Cover of Ms. Spears' "Womanizer"

If Britney Spears tweets about it, it must be good. :D

See (and hear) for yourself!

Sliimy is also on Myspace! Check his page by clicking here.
Video aggregated from Sliimy's Youtube channel, please contact the artist for permission to use the video material for whether for personal or commercial purposes.

The Art Of Making Friendship, Version 2.0

I've been using "2.0" a lot lately. Hahaha! But isn't it so true?

DOS attacks on Facebook and Twitter

Why anyone would want to hack on Twitter and Facebook (other than cripple its capabilites to generate huge revenues from its services) is really beyond my understanding. Unless of course these hackers really want to get close with Britney Spears or aplusk Ashton Kutcher.

BBC News reports that:

The strike was aimed at a pro-Georgian blogger known as Cyxymu. The attack caused a blackout of Twitter for around two hours, while Facebook said its service had been "degraded".
Google said it had defended its sites and was now working with the other companies to investigate the attack.

[The] attack appears to be directed at an individual who has a presence on a number of sites, rather than the sites themselves," a Facebook spokesman told BBC News.

It has been reported earlier that a Hacker has been able to break through Twitter's security without even really hacking the site--just guessing a random Twitter employee's password.
Now you know why it's important to have a strong password.

Stunning Silhouette Photography

Why are silhouette photos so irresistably charming? Personally, I think it's because there's a lot of stories to share behind the black-and-white splashes or the black-and-yellow combinations. I am undeniably drawn closer to silhouette photos whenever I look at them, and there's this feeling of wanting to know more about how the image was taken, just like in the photo below:

Don't you just want to know why the man is holding balloons in the dark?

That's just one sample of stunning silhouette photography; there's actually more where that came from, and Digital Picture Zone has 30 of that to share. Click here to see the other photos.
Image aggregated from Flickr user Thomas Hawk, via DigitalPictureZone. Please contact Thomas Hawk for permission to use the photo for personal or commercial purposes.


After all the hacking drama yesterday and today, Blogger is up and running once again!

I missed it. I know a lot of you did, too.

Friday, August 7, 2009

When Advertising Fails


If the lady cop had been placed on the left side (viewer's perspective), this would've been a nice bus ad.

Seen it? :-)
Image aggregated from Time To Laugh blog.

Penguin Hazard

I can't believe that something as cute and seemingly innocent as that penguin toy can actually be hazardous (to kids). In 2008 this toy has been recalled by the US Consumer Safety Product Commission (wow that's a mouthful) for being a potential laceration hazard.

How anyone can get lacerated by this toy is beyond my comprehension, but then I have to hand it to the perkyness of kids these days, that almost everything on their path becomes dangerous.

Cute penguin, why'd you have to be deadly? Haha.
Image courtesy of US CSPC.

Mickey Mouse Tron

And since I have previously blogged about Mickey Mouse and Tron, here's a mashup!

...not! It's an actual Tron-themed Mickey Mouse collector's item! I think it's being released as part of the movie hype.

This is just so 80s and I like it! Me want Tron Mickey!
Image aggregated from Hypebeast.

Tron Legacy in 2010!

The legacy is back!
Tron Legacy is the sequel to the 1982 film Tron (which, if you check online, actually has a lot of loyal following...consider it a cult movie!) I wasn't even born yet when the film was made. And it's taken quite long to make a part II but what the heck--I'm an 80s kid and I'll be one of the excited people to watch out for this movie!
Oh I'm super excited all right!
Image aggregated from Wikipedia and is copyright by its respective movie outfit.

Mindriders Free Font

Click here to download the free Mindriders font.

Guys, I know it's free, but please read the terms of agreement or license of the product. Just because it's free doesn't mean we can abuse it. Please respect the artist/designer who created it.

Font courtesy of Deviantart user Mindriders.

Mickey Mouse Version 2.0

Mickey Mouse has gone so tech-y, the steampunk feel is really way behind the popular rodent's history.
Here are just some of the electronic items designed after Mickey that I have scoured on teh interweb (if only I can get my hands on these items...):
Mickey Mouse flash drive
Mickey Mouse and Minnie computer mouse
Mickey Mouse MP3 player
Mickey Mouse USB port

I'm sure there are loads more Mickey Mouse themed gadgets...
Images courtesy of Geekalerts, Uberreview and Sinewelectronics.

Monday, August 3, 2009

White Box by Makoto Yabuki

This video brought out the kid in me! Now I want to start doodling again! Hahaha.

Video sourced from Vimeo.

Lights On, Lights Off

Audi (automobile) says your car should save energy when it's not running. It's as simple as that.

*Image courtesy of Motiongrapher.