Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Difference Between Poor And Broke

I came across this quotable quote while aimlessly hopping from one link to another:

Poor is a state of mind.
Broke is a state of wallet.
You can fix being broke;
It's not so easy to fix being poor.


I have no idea if these words came from Joe Heerdink of his
I Am Broke website, but it does make a point. His website, which was born out of a random joke, doesn't have much to offer, but it is a nice easter egg in the interweb. (And you all thought it was about how-to-make-your-first-million-stash)

So how did I end up in Heerdink's site? I couldn't trace it back, but I feel like it had something to do with me looking up about the word "broke".

How relevant. :)


Louise said...

Yes, you need some money to satisfy your basic needs - food, shelter. But there are so many pleasures in life that are free, or nearly free. Books, art, picnics, to name but a few. There is even the internet!

The Site Aggregator said...

Hi there Louise! thanks for dropping by my page :) you are so right about that--if only people would know where to find happiness, then maybe the recession may not be that baaad after all :)